#7 Picture Story : The Flower Wall

Guess where this is!

If you've been here you'll know.
Yes you guessed it right. It's in Cameron Highland. The flower park.

Actually this picture was taken in 2017. I saw the wall of flowers and asked a friend to take a shot of me holding one of the blooming purple cutie. It was only the color of the backpack that did not seem to catch my eyes real strong. On the whole, I love this capture.

The different tones of the color of the flowers is what liven the wall. On top of all, greens are always captivating to the eyes right. It lifts the entire photo to another level of mesmerizing shot.

As usual, to take a great photo need several attempts before that as this wall is not even on the top edge. So I needed to move myself to the left and right a little bit to make sure the whole frame filled with the flowers.

Luckily this friend of mine knows how to turn a photo into a wow shot.
Hence, the result.


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