#10 Picture Story : The Gelato Cabana

Can I just first utter how I miss traveling so much? Ah, I do! My country has been in lock downs on and off for over 1 year and a half now. We've been transcending the new highest cases number every day. The highest one was 20k-ish. Isn't that surprising? 

It was for me, because I've never thought that my country would ever reach that humongous number of Covid-19 cases. That being said, we haven't had the chance to explore around the country let alone to fly out from here for a while now 😞

The reason why I wanted to say this "can I just first utter how I miss traveling so much?" line up there was because I took this photo when I was traveling in Pulau Langkawi. It's one of the renowned islands in Malaysia (where I live) that people visit very often. 

As you can see here, there are two Westerners or maybe Europeans (I have no idea) were at this shop. I remember saying "It's okaygo ahead" to them because I wasn't sure of buying. It was in 2019. My husband's division organized a trip here. 

I really love the concept this shop possesses. It looks simple yet very pretty. It's the kind of principle I have in some aspects of my life, especially in donning my outfits. I have also always been the fan of incandescent bulbs setting, like the one you see in this picture. 

You know how these bulbs emit orang-y lights and the illumination makes a particular ambience looks grand right. Don't you agree? Oh, please be on the same page with me! 😁

The blog post title implies The Ice-cream Hut. Gelato is a word originally derived from Italian which means ice-cream while Cabana means hut in Spanish. I think I bought two scoops from here but I can't remember the flavors. It was delicious. I later took a seat in front of the shop and finished the ice-cream. There was a wooden stool provided.

It was a cozy night. The air was cool and the environment there was refreshing. There are other shops along the street that you can visit and buy some souvenirs from. If I'm not mistaken, we bought a takeout at this pizza shop after we had a stroll there.

All in all, I hope and pray this Covid-19 will subside soon and we will all be able to travel around happily, contently and safely again. Wherever you are, be sure to take very great care of yourselves. Be safe and be healthy.


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