#9 Picture Story : Just Another Random Day

I was just driving home from work and it was almost dawn. Just another random day. You know how sunsets can be very breath-taking right? That's how I saw it that day at that particular time.

The traffic was rather slow-moving too. So I figured why don't I take an advantage of this moment while it is slow-pacing? I grabbed my phone that I placed on the seat right next to me, ran its camera and clicked a couple of few times.

As you may know it, it is challenging to take photos while the car is moving and let alone if you're  driving it. I had to see the road through the lenses and it seemed as the car in front of me was still far away, but then when I removed the lenses from my sight it was actually quite close. For a minute I thought I might hit someone's car but thank God I didn't. 

I had to alternately switched between my real eyes and the camera's eyes for a while to reach to the result that I desired. Well after struggling a little with life and death *exaggerating*, I finally came to a photo that I talked to myself this is the one then I stopped clicking.

When I arrived home, I can't help myself but ran two of my favorite editing apps; Adobe Lightroom and VSCO. Gave the picture some of my magic touches and it was ready to go. Go where though? Ready to go on my Instagram of course ;)

I hope you can resonate with the photo the same way how I resonated with the view while I was in the moment. You gotta have that artistic eyes though to pay enough attention to the details take made the shot. 

Till the next wonder of the world!



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