
Showing posts from August, 2021

#10 Picture Story : The Gelato Cabana

Can I just first utter how I miss traveling so much? Ah, I do! My country has been in lock downs on and off for over 1 year and a half now. We've been transcending the new highest cases number every day. The highest one was 20k-ish. Isn't that surprising?  It was for me, because I've never thought that my country would ever reach that humongous number of Covid-19 cases. That being said, we haven't had the chance to explore around the country let alone to fly out from here for a while now 😞 The reason why I wanted to say this " can I just first utter how I miss traveling so much? " line up there was because I took this photo when I was traveling in Pulau Langkawi. It's one of the renowned islands in Malaysia (where I live) that people visit very often.  As you can see here, there are two Westerners or maybe Europeans (I have no idea) were at this shop. I remember saying " It's okay ,  go ahead " to them because I wasn't sure of buying. It

#1 Song Moment : Build it Better by Aron Wright

Do you ever fall in love with a soundtrack from a scene of a drama or a movie then you decided to find the song and play it on repeat? Well, I've had that kind of moment several times now and Build It Better by Aron Wright is one of it. It was played in Season 1 Episode 3 of The Good Doctor. At least that's where I stumbled upon it.  It was the scene where Dr. Shaun Murphy and Dr. Claire Browne just got back from a hospital to pick up a liver that meant to be transplanted into a patient but, he was moved to the bottom of the list because he lied about not taking any alcohols. Then the song started its journey from there 🎵 It's a slow dreamy song. Just like every song that I fell in love with from a drama or a movie, it'll take me right back to the scene whenever I listen to it. Such a precious indescribable feeling. Does that happen to you too? It's kind of spirit-lifting when you listen to the song. I'll picture myself in a moving car, going along the mounta

#9 Picture Story : Just Another Random Day

I was just driving home from work and it was almost dawn. Just another random day . You know how sunsets can be very breath-taking right? That's how I saw it that day at that particular time. The traffic was rather slow-moving too. So I figured why don't I take an advantage of this moment while it is slow-pacing? I grabbed my phone that I placed on the seat right next to me, ran its camera and clicked a couple of few times. As you may know it, it is challenging to take photos while the car is moving and let alone if you're  driving it. I had to see the road through the lenses and it seemed as the car in front of me was still far away, but then when I removed the lenses from my sight it was actually quite close. For a minute I thought I might hit someone's car but thank God I didn't.  I had to alternately switched between my real eyes and the camera's eyes for a while to reach to the result that I desired. Well after struggling a little with life and death *exagg